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Work efficiency can be optimized with solutions that accurately simulate and control the operation of robots. These solutions support the efficient use of robots in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and construction.

Integrated System Monitoring

Integrated System Monitoring allows for comprehensive monitoring of all components of the robot system. Real-time status of the system is understood, enabling prediction and response.

Simulation in a Virtual Environment

New algorithms, parts, software, etc. can be experimented and tested in a virtual environment, reducing the risk and cost in the actual environment and shortening the development period.

Education and Training

Digital twins enable robot operators and technicians to learn how to control and manipulate robots in a virtual environment, increasing operational efficiency.

Collection of Works


Integrated System Monitoring

Integrated System Monitoring allows for comprehensive monitoring of all components of the robot system. Real-time status of the system is understood, enabling prediction and response.

Simulation in a Virtual Environment

New algorithms, parts, software, etc. can be experimented and tested in a virtual environment, reducing the risk and cost in the actual environment and shortening the development period.

Education and Training

Digital twins enable robot operators and technicians to learn how to control and manipulate robots in a virtual environment, increasing operational efficiency.

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